Denture Kit
for DWX Dry Dental Mills
Shape Smiles for All
DGSHAPE’s Denture Kit lets you choose to produce custom dentures with heat-cured or cold-cured acrylic. Carded, milled, or printed teeth are set in minutes as tooth pockets are milled into the denture base to ensure ease of sitting. Take the process a step further using the carded tooth tray and produce an aesthetic, full denture in less than four hours. Along with offering a choice of workflows, using the denture kit lowers production costs and improves turnaround times while providing high-quality output, making it the ideal digital denture solution.
Tooth-setting simplified
Easily fit carded, milled, or printed teeth into milled pockets
Affordable aesthetic solution
Create aesthetically pleasing, custom-made full dentures in-house and save money instantly
Faster turnaround time
Employ this digital workflow and put the time you save back into your business
Heat-cured compatible
Choose to use heat-cured or cold-cured acrylic with your denture kit
Open solution
The denture kit is compatible with the latest CAD software, including 3Shape’s Dental System and exocad


Choose between two types of workflows
❶Denture Base workflow

❶Design using CAD software

❷Polymerize the cold- or heat-cured acrylics

❸Mill the acrylic base using your DWX device

❹Manually place the carded teeth

❺Polish and finish
*The workflow with heat-cured acrylic is different.
*Please refer to the support page for manuals and videos that provide workflow details.
❷Removable Denture workflow

❶Design using CAD software

❷Mill tooth sockets using your DWX device

❸Manually place the carded teeth

❹Polymerize the cold- or heat-cured acrylics

❺Mill the acrylic base and teeth using your DWX device

❻Polish and finish
*The workflow with heat-cured acrylic is different.
*Please refer to the support page for manuals and videos that provide workflow details.
Choose between three types of denture kits

CA-DK2 is the Denture Kit for DWX-52 series devices.
DWX dental mills provide high precision for milling dentures.
The optimized tray shape and 3mm roughing tool reduce material costs and milling time.
CA-DK2 is compatible with both the Denture Base workflow and the Removable Denture workflow.

Work time with Denture Base workflow
Manual work time: 50 mins Milling time: 2 hrs 45 mins*
*Milling time varies according to denture size and DWX model.

Work time with Removable Denture workflow
Manual work time: 25 mins Milling time: 3 hrs 45 mins*
*Milling time includes sockets milling. Milling time varies according to denture size and DWX model.

DK2-53 is the Denture Kit for the DWX-53DC, the latest DGSHAPE device which features strengthened rigidity and a newly designed spindle for high performance denture milling.
4mm roughing tool reduces milling time.
DK2-53 is compatible with both the Denture Base workflow and the Removable Denture workflow.

Work time with Denture Base workflow
Manual work time: 50 mins Milling time: 2 hrs 15 mins*
*Milling time varies according to denture size and DWX model.
Work time with Removable Denture workflow
Manual work time: 25 mins Milling time: 3 hrs 15 mins*
*Milling time includes sockets milling. Milling time varies according to denture size and DWX model.

Compatible CAD/CAM

Denture Kit for small cases
■The smaller silicone shape reduces milling time and material costs.

Denture Base Workflow


Removable Denture workflow


*Removable Denture workflow with CA-DK1 and CA-DK1-TR is not compatible with heat-cured acrylics.
*Please refer to the support page for manuals and videos that provide workflow details.

Compatible CAD/CAM

Dr. Jae-min Lee(Mirero Dental Clinic)
Dr. Jae-min Lee(Mirero Dental Clinic)